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The Sultanate of Kyrenaia, Kyrenaia or the Sultanate for short, is a large, wide country dominated by the Five Deserts of Kyrenaia, where the Kyrenaians live and love.


Mythical and Prehistoric Times

The First Kyrenaian Civil War (850 BCE - 754 BCE)

The Age of the Emirs (754 BCE - 65 BCE)

The Khans' Invasion (65 BCE - 15 CE)

The Age of Masks (15 CE - 125 CE)

Second Kyrenaian Civil War (125 CE - 163 CE)

The Rise of the Sultanate (163 CE - 942 CE)

During the 1st to the 4th centuries, Kyrenaian ports began to receive a lot of traders from Arabic-speaking countries, who were well received merchants - their language of Old Arabic soon became the language of the merchants, also used for international parlance in general, soon of the courts and nobles as well, mixing with Old Kyrenaian to create Early Middle Kyrenaian in the 4th and 5th centuries, the basis for Modern Kyrenaian.

This trade relation ended with the rise of Islam in the 5th century, nearly abruptly. The trade with the Arabic-Speakers enabled the Khans of , to continue fighting for what they saw as their inherited right to rule - both with words and the strength of arms, as well as giving them a title they could claim: Sultan, the one with Authority, Strength and Rulership.

Asked about the long amount of time her predecessors took to rise to power, the current Sultana, Razia, remarked that there was time.

The Age of Fire (942 - 1001)

The time between 942 and 1463 is known as the Kyrenaian Middle Ages. The Age of Fire was about the Sultanate finding its inner order

The Sultan's Exile (1001 - 1265)

Foundation of the Order of the Tabardariyya.

1258: The Ilkhanate of Sicca is overthrown by an internal rebellion and forms itself as a Merchant Republic. Falls to the Ilkhanates of Kyrene and Megido in 1301.

The Golden Age (1265 - 1463)

With the return of Sultan Mehmet into the Citadel on the Mountain, 1264, and the subsequent Battle of Ebla, 1265, the Exile of the Sultan was ended and a time of reconstruction, of science and art began, the Kyrenaian Golden Age.

For nearly two centuries, mostly peace reigned in the Five Deserts, trade bloomed and

  • 1265: Establishment of the Elective Monarchy. First Sultan: Mehment III.
  • 1407: Ilkhan Tarek VI. accepts Heliocentrism.
  • 1428: Aurelia the Wise establishes compulsory school attendance in the Ilkhanate of Utica.

The Age of Sieges (1463 - 1594)

  • 1463: Siege of the Citadel
  • 1523: Establishment of the Khanate of Jazirat Alshahwa.
  • 1546: Founding of the Sultan's Navy.
  • 1590: The Great Famine begins. It lasts until 1598 and is seen as one of the contributing factors of the outbreak of the Third Kyrenaian Civil War, 1594 - 1632.

Third Kyrenaian Civil War (1594 - 1632)

The Kyrenaian Colonial Empire (1632 - 1923)

Early Colonial Era (1632-1655)

Fenchu-Rebellion (1655-1660)

High Colonial Era (1660-1852)

Late Colonial Era (1852-1923)

  • 1852: Unlike the RKN (founded in 1546), the RKA is founded in 1852 out of the private armies of the Ilkhans and Khans.

See Also

The Decolonization Wars (1923-1965)

- 1929: The Khanate of Jazirat Alshahwa becomes independent as Republic of Va'a Mamao, expels and executes every Kyrenaian they find, diplomatic ice age

- 1965: The Sultanate sends food shipments to Va'a Mamao during a famine

Downwards and Upwards (1965-2010)

The New Colonial Empire (2010-today)

-2000: Beginning of the Kyrenaian Peacekeeping Mission in the Harblia Civil War.

- 2017, 26th of Novembre: Beginning of the Diplomatic Relations between the Sultanate of Kyrenaia and the United Island States of AHSCA.

- 2018, 11th to 12th of March: Jazirat Alshahwa becomes a Khanate again.

- 2018, 12th of Setembre: Kyrenaia begins diplomatic relations with the Monarchist Treaty Organization. By 2020, these relations have dissolved into nothingness.

- 2020: 2020 Ferinan-Archipelago Crisis.

See also


Kyrenaia - Map

Map of the Sultanate.

Roughly speaking, Kyrenaia can be devided into five large segments and a number of smaller ones. These large segments are the Desert of Utica, the Desert of Kyrene, the Desert of Megido, the Desert of Sarepta and the Desert of Fenchu, which coincide with the borders of the five Ilkhanates described below.


One of the major influences on Kyrenaia's Climate are the trade winds, called Altanaminlabawa, the Breath of the Lioness, in Kyrenaian. They usually come from the North-East to the North-North-East, rarely the East-North-East. Usually, they bring rain, which comes down as relief rainfall. When the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone wanders north during the spring, the dry time of summer follows, when it wanders south during the autumn, the 'rainy' season follows during winter (rainy in this case means only a few dozen millimeters of rain, for example 24 mm of Average Rainfall in Oea).


See Main Article: List of animal species endemic to Kyrenaia, List of plant species endemic to Kyrenaia.


See: Kyrenaian Royalty.

Head of State of Kyrenaia and absolute ruler is the Sultan or Sultana, at the moment Razia Sultana Umm Albilad, aided by the council of the four other Ilkhans and the government. Head of Government is Grand Vizier Hassan ben Sahid, Minister of Foreign Affairs is Vizier Azad Safir, his colleague responsible for economics is Vizier Karim Ibn-al-Hakim.

Aside from that, there are the Territories immediate to the Sultanate, the most prominent of which is Jalid.

Law and Law Enforcement

See Main Articles: Police in Kyrenaia, Royal Kyrenaian Coastguard.

Kyrenaia also boasts very strict gun laws.

Foreign Relations

The Relationship between the Sultanate and the Free Lands of the Selkie

The Selkie and the Sultanate have a long and strong relationship, which knows its good times and its bad times. It was Razia Sultana, who, during the Second Vellenge War initiated and mediated peace talks between the Free Lands and Lutetii,

The Five Ilkhanates

The five Ilkhanates are the Ilkhanate of Utica, the Ilkhanate of Sarepta, the Ilkhanate of Megido, the the Ilkhanate of Fenchu and the the Ilkhanate of Kyrene. The five Ilkhans,

Educational System

One of the most important matters of state had always been the educational system, including the Old Academies, and the State of the Youth. In the late 19th and early 20th century, many schools introduced school uniforms.

Independent from the Educational System is the Boy- and Girlscout Movement of Kyrenaia.


See Main Articles: The Armies of the Five Deserts, The Sultan's Navy.

In Kyrenaia, the military plays and important role in society, but not overly so.

Primary mission of the Kyrenaian Armed Forces is the securing of Kyrenaian assets abroad, the representation of Kyrenaian Foreign-Political Interests and the securing of trade, all overshadowed in its importance by the primary mission: To defend the territorial integrety and the safety of the people of Kyrenaia.

Contrary to popular belief, the Order of the Tabardariyya stands outside of the military structure.

Sphere of Influence

See Main Article: List of Non-Player Nations.

Kyrenaia always prided itself in his sphere of influence and its upkeep, for which the Sultan's Navy is an integral tool.


The Sultanate's economic approach is mostly fixated on independence when it comes to food and fuel supplies, while maintaining a social market economy providing welfare to those in need and combining it with a mostly free market. By culture, this market does not fall into the traditional form of capitalism, much rather, while the means of production are mostly private, the owners are less focussed on short term profits and more on long-term development. There are a few obstacles in the way of completely free competition, mainly standards and regulations concerning security and health, which are also applied to imports, as well as core industries, like the water and power supplies or arms manufacturing being in the hand of the Sultanate or, more often, in communal hands (water and power, not arms). Kyrenaian workers are supplied with a minimum wage law, which is regularly re-adjusted.

Primary Sector

Kyrenaia's economy is focussed on the Secondary, Tertiary and Quarternary sectors, with the Primary, the agricultural sector, being important, but not having a huge part in the GDP. Fish provides a substantial part of the food production in Kyrenaia, with major fishing fleets being operated from Callista, Ibossim, Pitane and Malaca. Whalers sail from Arambys and Acra. There has to be given a mentioning to the mining industry in the Ilkhanates of Megido and Fenchu, especially from Arados to Serdica, where all manners of materials, chiefly rare earths and especially monazite and bauxite, are unearthed. Also counted to the Primary Sector is the oil industry of Onoba in the Khanate of Ibossim, as well as Calpe's oil industry.

Rusadir, Ilkhanate of Sarepta, is a substantial producer of steel, the raw iron needed for that being mined in Mtarfa and Maleth. Transported to Rusadir via train, the city's steel foundries nowadays use electric arc furnaces, but in times before that, coal was used, which is unearthed to this day in opencast mining in the area of Cerne and Balsa. Other major iron mines are located near Serdica.

Major producer of silver and gold in Kyrenaia was Gadir, the city known as the hometown of the Goldwashers, and the small mountain villages North-West of Utica, where silver was unearthed. While the mines near Utica still produce certain quantities of silver, the gold river ran dry. Pearl fishing near Kartaia and Abdera is a traditional craft these days.

Secondary Sector

In the Secondary Sector, the large manufacturing centres in the Ilkhanate of Sarepta and from Tipasa to Cirta are leading in the manufacturing of computer hardware and mechanical engineering, including of cars and aircraft - a substantial industry, that, so far, has not made much of an international splash.

The shipbuilding in the Ilkhanate of Megido mostly serves the domestic market.

Kyrenaia is home to a number of aircraft manufacturers, from the nation-run Kyrenaian Aircraft Factories to Sinaljanah Aircraft Industries.

Tertiary Sector

The Tertiary Sector had a downturn in the last decade, mostly due to the introduction of a Quarternary Sector and due to industries belonging to this sector being tightly regulated and under ownership of the state, for example healthcare and telecommunication. Media and entertainment are rather strong industries in Kyrenaia, as the country has magnificent sceneries for movies and their exotic appearance gives further incentive to watch movies made there or with actors from Kyrenaia - all of which has yet to make an international impact. Tourism is on the rise as well.

Quarternary Sector

In the Quarternary Sector, several of the universities of Kyrenaia are leading in their fields of study, such as medicine and engineering. Cooperating with the Secondary Sector's IT-Industry, software designing and programming are leading industries in Kyrenaia as well.


Kyrenaia has a total population of 559.3 million people, according to the 2018 census.

Ilkhanate Population 2018 census Population 2013 census Population 2008 census

Ilkhanate of Utica

149.7 million
Ilkhanate of Megido 98.1 million
Ilkhanate of Sarepta 177.3 million
Ilkhanate of Fenchu 56.7 million
Ilkhanate of Kyrene 42.1 million
Territories immediate to the Sultanate 35.4 million
Totals 559.3 million


Contrary to popular belief, the Kyrenaians are not muslims. Much rather, the Kyrenaians are Polytheists with three main goddesses, namely Han-’Ilat, Al-Uzza and Manat, respectively the Mother-Goddess, the Goddess of the Morning Star and the Goddess of Moon and Fate. In addition to that, there are quite a few other Gods and Goddesses.

There are small communities of Christians in Kyrenaia, mostly in the Ilkhanate of Sarepta, with a few thousand members. Although originally catholic, they separated centuries ago. Their patriarch is Adil Btryrik.



See Main Article: Smoking in Kyrenaia.

Kyrenaians in general are rather healthy people,


In the Guilt-Shame-Fear spectrum of cultures, Kyrenaia rests more on the side of Shame then those of Fear or Guilt. Since 1899, honour duels with live weapons are forbidden, but revenge dynamics took different forms since then, .

Often referred to is the Kyrenaian Pride, which is often attributed to the Kyrenaians, describes the social mandate to keep and maintain reputation and face. In this, the Furusiyya plays an important role, the Kyrenaian Code of Honour showing ways to attain and maintain honour. While one might argue, that it is appearances, which count, the Kyrenaians know, that said appearances have to be substantiated.


See Main Article: Music in Kyrenaia.

Arts and Architecture


See Main Articles: Kyrenaian Tea Culture, Kyrenaian Cuisine.



Sports play a very important role in Kyrenaian Society, . Kyrenaian Footvolley enjoys high popularity ever since its inception,

To this day, Kyrenaian Chess is still a very popular game.

Fashion and Design

Traditional costume of the Kyrenaians is the Fistan Alshams, for which regional variations exist.
